How to Calculate Your Polydi Roller Score : Game Rules
Numbers: If you are within range of any target (12 inches or closer), you take the number you rolled on your Polydi and add that to the number that is listed on the target. The total is your score for that Polydi. You do this with each of your Polydi to determine your complete score for the game.
What happens if you roll a Minus Sign, Plus Sign, or Polydi Symbol? “Minus Sign”: If you roll a Minus Sign, that Polydi immediately gets removed from the field. You gain zero points. Your turn is over. “Plus Sign”: If you roll a Plus Sign, you can move any “one” Polydi on the field 5 inches in any direction. You can move your own Polydi five inches closer to a target or move another player’s Polydi five inches farther from a target. The Polydi that has landed on a Plus Sign does NOT get a second roll. This Polydi will be considered a FIVE when you calculate your score (if this Polydi is within 12 inches of a target when the game is complete). “Polydi Symbol”: If you roll a Polydi Symbol, you can move any “one” Polydi on the field 9 inches in any direction. You can move your own Polydi nine inches closer to a target or move another player’s Polydi nine inches farther from a target. The Polydi that has landed on a Polydi Symbol does NOT get a second roll. This Polydi will be considered a NINE when you calculate your score (if this Polydi is within 12 inches of a target when the game is complete). If a Polydi gets bumped, the placement of the Polydi on the field may have changed AND the number or symbol on the Polydi may have also changed during the bump. If the number or symbol has changed, you will again follow the rules mentioned above. For example, if your Polydi was on a number 4, but another player (or you) bump the Polydi hard enough to make it flip to a new number or symbol, you will follow the new roll. If the 4 has changed to a “Plus Sign”, you can now follow the Plus Sign rules as stated above. Important: If the targets are knocked over, they must immediately and very carefully be turned upright in their “new” location. The target is NOT moved back to its original location. If the target is still moving, wait for it to come to a complete stop before, making it upright in its new location. When a player’s Polydi are bumped or a target is bumped by another Polydi, everything stays in their new location. Bumping into other Polydi or a target, is part of the games strategy. If you are interested, you can also try this game using multiplication instead of addition to calculate your score. Polydi Target Roll - MULTIPLICATION One minor change to the rules from the “Polydi Target Roll Addition” game version. In this new game, you will MULTIPLY your roll score by the number listed on the target. Return to Polydi Roller Rules main page. Return to the Polydi
Rules main page. |
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