Polydi Dislikes Game : Task Ideas
   Only select safe and respectful tasks.  If you are unsure, check with your parents.

If you can’t think of your own tasks, here are a few possible ideas:

Lay on the floor and pretend you’re a worm for 30 seconds.

Vacuum one room (specify the room to avoid confusion).

10 Push Ups.

10 Sit-ups.

10 Jumping Jacks.

Flap your arms and pretend that you are flying for 45 seconds.

Run one lap around the house.

Tell Your Mother You Love Her 20 Times.

Eat a Vegetable.

Clean the toilet (and carefully wash your hands after).

Drink a Glass of Warm Water (NOT hot water).

Sit in Silence for 1 minute.

Sit in Silence for the rest of the game (you can only speak if you roll a Polydi Symbol and need to give another player instruction).

Tell Your Brother or Sister, “I think you are smarter than me”.

Write a poem and read it out loud to all the players.

Jog in place for 1 minute.

Jog in place for the rest of the game.

Stand up for the rest of the game.

Crawl on your hands and knees from one end of the room to the other.

Jump Up and Down and sign a song.

Admit that you like watching Barney.

Confess to a previously told lie.

Go Brush Your Teeth (only select this one if each player has their own tooth brush).

Wear THREE t-shirts for the rest of the game (only if each player has access to three t-shirts).

You can also make a promise to do something later (but you MUST keep the promise). 

For example,

I will not watch TV all day.

I will walk the dog.

I will help shovel the driveway.

I will help rake the leaves.

I will wash the car.

I will read a book for 30 minutes.

I will not use any electronics on Saturday.

I will do all of the dishes after dinner tonight.

I will do someone’s chores today (list the person and the chore).

CREATE YOUR OWN IDEAS....  If you have any good ones, let us know and we will possibly add them to the list.

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Reasonable Tasks
Something that can be done, something safe, something all players would be willing to do, something that is respectful to all players and non players, not extreme or excessive, nothing that would get you in trouble, nothing dangerous, nothing that could cause damage, etc.  Please consult your parents if you have any question in regard to what tasks are reasonable or appropriate.
Remember, this is a GAME.  If you change your mind and are not comfortable with completing any of the tasks you or your friends have created, you can always say no and quit the game.  As a reminder, ALL players must agree to each task that is written down BEFORE the game begins.  Use that review process to say no to tasks that you are not comfortable with completing.
In our task idea list we have listed some ideas based on quantity or time.  You can adjust the quantities or times based on your preference.  Our list is only an example of possible ideas.
Only select safe and respectful tasks. 

If you are unsure, check with your parents.

Actually, you should discuss "all" the rules with your parents before you begin the game.

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