Polydi Higher or Lower - Game Rules
This game is intended for very YOUNG players.

Summary: The Polydi Higher or Lower™ Game helps young players learn number values.  For example, they learn that the number 7 is higher then number 4.  The game also helps children learn the difference between left and right.

Take turns rolling the Polydi.

Minus Sign: everyone gives a high five to the person on their left. Roll again.

Plus Sign: everyone gives a high five to the person on their right. Roll again.

Special Symbol: everyone claps their hands three times. Roll again.

When a number is rolled, that is the score. The player that rolled say’s the number out loud for everyone to hear.

Tip: a parent or teacher can write the number on a board or put the appropriate number in the center of the play area to make it easier for the children to remember the previously rolled number.

Pass the Polydi to the next player.

When the next player rolls a number they say the number out loud for all to here.

ALL players say, “HIGHER” if the number is higher than the previous players number.

ALL players say, “LOWER” if the number is lower than the previous players number.

If a parent or teacher is monitoring the game, they can decide how loudly the players can say, “Higher” or “Lower”. Children may enjoy the game more if they can scream it out. But that is entirely up to the supervisor of the game.

   Learn more Polydi Games.

This game helps with number values as well as help with learning right and left.

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