PAX6 the Blue Eye Polydi™
Number 17
Date Born: August 12, 1992
Attributes / Point System
Strength: 6
Speed: 3
Stamina: 3
Intelligence: 7
Offense: Hypnotic Powers
Defense: Hypnotic Defenses
Friends: Aeetus - can see for long distances when he is flying.
Rivals: Jolly Roger- Many pirates wear an eye patch.
PAX6 Blue Eye Polydi

PAX6 has excellent vision and can see things that most of us can not.  He is known for having inner vision and a high level of knowledge.

PAX6 has a special way of seeing the beauty in the world around him as well as the beauty within himself.

One of the special powers that he possesses is the ability to hypnotize other Polydi if they gaze into his eye for an extended period of time.


Collectors Guide

Quantity: Information coming soon!!!

Rarity Level: Information coming soon!!!
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