Can I Cheat at Polydi?

  Polydi Rules

You are not permitted to "cheat".  However, we do allow tools to help you with your math.

Using a Math Facts Sheet to help you play Polydi is NOT considered cheating. 

Using methods to help you with math calculations is APPROVED.

If players need assistance with math facts, you are welcome to use our tools or any other math guide.  We suggest that you utilize such tools in a limited manner if possible.  Only use an aid when you really need them... In addition, we suggest you stay away from calculators...

In time, you will need no assistance from fact sheets.  The more you play, the more powerful your mind will become...

 Make certain that you know your math facts so that your challenger does not defeat you with trickery. 

For the record, Polydi does NOT allow cheating.  If you are caught cheating by another player, you must put five of your Polydi into the cage.  In addition, you risk the possibility of the other players not wanted to play with you in the future.

Technically, a player could potentially cheat by adding more points to their score then they have really earned.

In the opinion of many people that we know, if you cheat at a game you would technically be acting foolish.  Subsequently, if you are portraying yourself in a foolish manner, you could be considered by many to be an actual fool.  In our opinion, if you are a fool, you should not be playing an intelligent game such as Polydi.  Therefore, "cheaters" are not welcome to play Polydi.

1) Cheaters never prosper.

2) Cheaters are foolish.

3) We do NOT like playing with Cheaters.

With that said, their are ways to play Polydi that at first glance could be considered by some people to be cheating.  However, these methods are completely approved by the official Polydi game master.  If you are not an expert at addition, subtraction, or multiplication you are welcome to use what some people refer to as a mathematics "cheat sheet".  You can create your own, or utilize the ones that we have created in our Math Fact Sheets section.

  Can I Pick my Nose? 

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