Polydi 2000 LEVEL 5 Game Rules - ADVANCED PLAYERS ONLY

If you really want to challenge yourself, you can add the following rules when you play Polydi 2000.

For this level of play, you will truly need to pay very close attention to the numbers you have rolled during your turn. In addition, you will need to pay close attention to the numbers that other players have rolled.

In this advanced level, you can gain bonus points the same way you have done in previous levels. To make this level more challenging, you can now DEDUCT POINTS FROM OTHER PLAYERS if they miss collecting bonus points that they could have earned.

For example, if you notice that another player has rolled the following numbers (in the following order) and has then ended their turn without noticing they could have earned a bonus. You can declare that you have noticed and that other player has to minus the points they could have earned from their score.

2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 8, 3, 4

The above would have earned the player 10 bonus points because they had rolled “1, 2 and 3 in any order”. Because they did not notice, and another player did notice, they lose 10 points instead of gaining 10 points.

IF you understand how to subtract and work with NEGATIVE NUMBERS, you are welcome to play the game with negative numbers. However, if you or any other player in the game does not understand how to calculate negative numbers, the lowest score will be ZERO. For example, if player one has only 10 points and player two catches them missing out on a 35 point bonus, player two drops down to a “zero” score (not a negative 25).

Bonus Rules – use to determine bonus points or minus bonus points

If a player rolls a 1, 2, AND 3 during their turn (it does NOT have to be in a row), they earn 10 bonus points.

If a player rolls any THREE CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS IN A ROW during their turn, they earn 35 bonus points.

Example of consecutive numbers: “3, 4, 5” or “7, 8, 9” or “4, 5, 6” or “1, 2, 3” or “5, 6, 7”, etc.

Note: You can NOT work backwards. Rolling a 9 then 8 then 7 does not count.

If a player rolls the same number TWICE IN A ROW during their turn, they earn 10 bonus points.

If a player rolls the same number THREE TIMES IN A ROW, they earn 30 bonus points.

Tip: The player must have already rolled the number twice in a row to be able to roll the number three times in a row. Don't forget the player should receive 10 bonus points from when they rolled twice in a row and now an additional 30 points. In total, the player would have received 40 bonus points in total.

If a player rolls the same number FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, they automatically win the game. Also, each player in the game must tell the person that rolled, “You are Amazing”, at least ten times.

TIP: If for some reason players do not trust each other or they cannot accurately remember all of the numbers rolled, you may want to play a different level of this game. For the highest level of challenge, you will want to play this level without writing down the numbers. However, if this is too difficult, you may want to write down every number that you roll (and every number your opponents roll).

All other rules of Polydi 2000 stay the same.

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