Super Summary:
Roll a
number that is your score. Keep
rolling until you want to lock in your score
or land on a plus (+) or minus (-).
If you lock in your score, write it down. If you
lock in your score, it is now the next players turn.
Roll a Plus Sign, your turn is over and
you score ZERO for that round. Next players turn.
Roll a Minus Sign, your score goes back
to ZERO (even if you previously locked in points).
Next players turn.
Roll a
Polydi Symbol,
add 20 points to your score OR send any player back to
Zero points. Roll again.
First Player to reach 75
points wins.
The object of the
game is to be the first player to reach at least
75 strength points.
How to Play
Players take turns rolling one Polydi.
Players can roll their Polydi as many times as they want during
their turn of play (unless a rule below ends their turn). Each player is
responsible to keep a running total of their score. When the player
decides to end their turn, they will write down the amount of strength
points they have earned during the round.
Rolling NUMBERS: The number rolled on
your Polydi is the strength points the player has earned for
that roll. They can roll again in an attempt to earn more
strength points or decide to end their turn.
Rolling PLUS sign: If the player rolls a
plus sign, their turn is over and they score ZERO points
for this entire round. The player does NOT lose
points earned in previous rounds. However, if the player earned
any points before they rolled the plus sign during this round,
those points are wiped away to zero. It is now the next players
Rolling MINUS sign: If the player rolls
a minus sign, their turn is over AND they lose all of the points
they have earned during all of their previous turns of the game.
Their entire score goes back to ZERO. It is now the next
players turn.
Rolling Polydi Symbol : If a player
rolls a Polydi Symbol, they can add 20 points to their
own score OR they can select one other player and send
that player back to ZERO points. The player that has rolled
the Polydi Symbol now rolls again.
If any players earned points during the round, they will write down
their score. If they have previously scored, they will add the new
strength points to their previous score.
Again, the first player to reach at least 75
points is the winner of the duel.
After you master Polydi 2000, you may want to
make the game more challenging by moving up a level:
Polydi 2000 Level 2
Polydi 2000 Level 3
Polydi 2000 Level 4
Polydi 2000 Level 5
Learn more
Polydi Games.
If you need help with addition you may want to view the
Math Fact Sheets.