Super Summary of Polydi Brawler™ LEVEL 3 Rules : Two Players


Each player starts with 5 Polydi.

ONE player earns points for the round.

The "highest" score minus the "second highest" score determines the points earned.

NUMBER: leave the Polydi in the field of play.  Next players turn.

MINUS SIGN: put one Polydi in the cage. Roll again.

PLUS SIGN: add 1 point to your score. Take one Polydi out of cage. Roll again.

Polydi Symbol: Get 1 Polydi from each player. Take 1 Polydi out of cage. Roll again.

21 Points or more to win the duel

  • each player gets an equal number of turns.

  • If a tie, those players roll again. 

Winner of the duel gets one Polydi from each player and all Polydi in the cage.

Win all of the other players Polydi to win the match.

Polydi Brawler Level 3 

Polydi Rules >> Polydi Brawler >> Polydi Brawler Level 3

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