Rolling a MINUS SIGN : Polydi Value Hunter Game Rules

When you roll a MINUS SIGN You LOSE points from your final score. 

The number of points you lose depends on how many Polydi you are using to play the game. 

If you are playing with 1 Polydi you lose 0 points.
If you are playing with 2 Polydi you lose 1 point.
If you are playing with 3 Polydi you lose 10 points
If you are playing with 4 Polydi you lose 100 points
If you are playing with 5 Polydi you lose 1000 points
If you are playing with 6 Polydi you lose 10,000 points
If you are playing with 7 Polydi you lose 100,000 points
If you are playing with 8 or more Polydi you lose 750,500 points (good luck with that math…)

We suggest you write down your score, but you can memorize the score if you prefer.

The above rules are correct for “each” minus sign you roll.  Every Polydi that lands on a minus must follow the rules above.

After you roll a MINUS SIGN, you roll this Polydi again.  Your Polydi is does not finish until it lands on a number.

Return to the Polydi Value Hunter game rules.  

Learn more Polydi Games.

Tip: Try not to roll a minus…

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