Wrinkles the Bulldog Polydi™
Number 07
Date Born: January 12, 2005
Attributes / Point System
Strength: 5
Speed: 4
Stamina: 4
Intelligence: 6
Offense: Biting
Defense: Barking and acting tough
Friends: Unknown
Rivals: Unknown
Description: Wrinkles drools a great deal, but is still pleasant to have around. If you are looking for a faithful teammate, it is hard to find a more loyal friend. Wrinkles currently lives in England but often travels with his friends. He has been spotted alone in the past, but his preference is clearly to travel in a pack. If you run into a group of Polydi dogs, it is rather easy to spot Wrinkles. He is a muscular dog with a wrinkled face and distinctive pushed-in nose. We are not certain, but we have heard rumor that Wrinkle may have had a run in with Braincase and Jolly Roger which resulted in his “pushed-in” nose. This has not been verified.Despite his fat “puss” expression, Wrinkles is generally docile and kind. He is also very stubborn.


Collectors Guide

Quantity: Information coming soon!!!

Rarity Level: Information coming soon!!!
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