Polydi Brawler LEVEL FOUR Game Rules
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The TEN Polydi you select for the match become your Polydi Brawlers for the game. Your Polydi Brawlers are essentially your "TEAM" for the entire game.
If you do not own enough Polydi, you can use game pieces.
Continue your turn until you have TWO NUMBERS. If only one Polydi lands on a number, you will re-roll ONLY the Polydi that landed on a symbol (plus, minus, or Polydi Symbol). You do NOT re-roll a Polydi that has already landed on a number. Once a Polydi lands on a number, that one Polydi is complete. Once you have rolled two numbers, your turn is complete. MULTIPLY the two numbers to calculate the strength points you have earned for the round.
Tip: Your score can also be called your
points, power points, etc.
Take another Polydi and roll again.
Note: If you roll a plus sign and minus sign on the same roll, you put your Polydi in the cage, then you instantly remove that Polydi from the cage. Don’t forget to also add one point to the score of your lowest Polydi roll before you multiply your two numbers.
1) Add one point to your “LOWEST” number Polydi (determine the lowest after you roll two numbers).
2) Remove one Polydi from the cage if one has been captured. If you roll TWO Plus Signs on your first roll, you can add TWO points to your “lowest” number Polydi and remove “TWO” Polydi from the cage. Roll again to continue your turn. ONLY roll the Polydi that rolled a Plus Sign. Tip: If you roll a plus sign a few times, don’t forget to keep adding one point to your score for each plus sign rolled.
If you roll a Polydi Symbol you collect "one" Polydi from EACH player. You can select which of the Polydi Brawlers to collect from each player. Also, you can take one Polydi from the cage.
Players continue rolling until they have only numbers. Roll your Polydi again.
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The player with the HIGHEST SCORE wins ONE Polydi that was played by each player in the duel. The winner also gets the Polydi that have been captured in the cage during the duel. You can now challenge your opponents to another duel.
If two or more players have a tie score, the players with the same score must ROLL AGAIN. Learn more details about the tie breaker rules. |
![]() Here in level four, MULTIPLICATION is introduced into the game of Polydi Brawler™ If you are not comfortable with basic multiplication, we suggest that you come back to this challenge in the future. |
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