Polydi Brawler LEVEL ONE : BASIC Rules
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You can start with more or less as long as each player starts with the same amount. If you do not own enough Polydi, you can use game pieces.
Once you roll a number your turn is complete. It is now the next players turn. Tip: Your score can also be called your "strength
points" or power points, etc.
Take another Polydi and roll again.
Roll your Polydi again. Tip: If you roll a plus sign a few times, don’t forget to keep adding one point to your score for each plus sign rolled.
If you roll a Polydi Symbol you collect "one" Polydi from EACH player. You can select which of the Polydi Brawlers to collect from each player. Also, you can take one Polydi from the cage. Roll your Polydi again.
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The player with the HIGHEST SCORE wins the Polydi that was played by each player in the duel. The winner also gets the Polydi that have been captured in the cage during the duel. You can now challenge your opponents to another duel.
If two or more players have a tie score, the players with the same score must ROLL AGAIN. Learn more details about the tie breaker rules. |
Polydi Rules >> Polydi Brawler |
At the end of each game session, all players must return each Polydi to the original and rightful owner. This rule applies for all Polydi game levels. If you have found any concerns or questions regarding any of our rules, please contact us.
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